SERVICES OFFERED (but not limited to)....
Focused Psychological Strategies
Via Medicare Better Access to Mental Health Care Plan
We bulk bill all eligible Centrelink low income health care/concession card holders
Up to 10 Medicare rebated sessions per calendar year
South West Sydney (SWS) Primary Health Network (PHN) OneDoor Mental Health You in Mind (YIM) Provider
Up to 12 cost and gap free sessions per calendar year
A further 6-12 sessions available under ‘exceptional circumstances’ pending GP approval
For eligible Centrelink low income
health care/concession card holders only
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Testing
Cognitive Functioning Assessment/Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Testing
Utilising the latest in iPad testing technology via Q Interactive
Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition (Vineland-3) and Adaptive Behaviour Assessment Scale - Third Edition (ABAS-3)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Adult and Child Assessment, Intervention/Treatment
Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, Second Edition (MIGDAS-2), Childrens Autism Rating Scale - Second Edition (CARS-2) and Autism Spectrum Rating Scale (ASRS)
Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised (ADI-R) and 3Di (Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview), evidence-based assessment of Autism
Secret Agent Society (SAS), Social Skills skill building video game program for children and young people
NSW Victims of Crime Services
Via New South Wales (NSW) Victims Services Approved Counselling Scheme (ACS)
Up to 22 hours of free counselling if you and/or your loved one/s have been the victim/s of a crime in New South Wales (NSW)
National Disability Insurance Scheme
We are a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider
Offering therapeutic supports and behavioural therapy services