Belal Ali
Principal Psychologist BPsych (Hons), MPsych, MAPS, MAAPi, FCEDP, Assoc MEMDRAA

Belal is an AHPRA endorsed Educational and Developmental Psychologist that has worked in numerous roles over 13+ years working with children, adolescents, and families with a history of significant trauma and attachment disruption and related social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
Belal also has experience working with child, adolescent and adult clients presenting with learning, developmental and intellectual disabilities, including difficulties with Pervasive Developmental (PDD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and associated emotional regulation and behavioural difficulties in both family and group home settings.
Belal has ranging interests, for example, completing his post graduate research on Burnout, Secondary and Vicarious Trauma among child protection practitioners working in the Child Welfare sector. Belal has also previously conducted research exploring the impact of audio/visual cues and multi-modal learning on children's language development. Further, Belal is also interested in working with children and adults with anxiety disorders, including panic agoraphobia, social anxiety/phobia and generalised anxiety.